This Project continues my long-term research into the ways in which the ethnic politics of the post-1970s’s decades has influenced education. More recently I have examined the localisation of the curriculum and pedagogy with examples from New Zealand. The project has involved fruitful collaborations with colleagues and masters and doctoral students over the years leading to the following publications.


Rata, E. (2021) The road to HePuapua – Is there really a treaty partnership? The Democracy Project, 5 July.
Read article here

Rata, E. (2021) Ethno-nationalism or Democratic Nationalism: which way ahead for New Zealand? Democracy project (30th June)
Read article here

Academic Freedom and the Demands of Indigenisation
Read article here
Collaborators: Emeritus Professor Robert Nola, FRSNZ, Philosophy | Emeritus Professor Michael Corballis, FRSNZ, Psychology

Science and Mātauranga Māori
Read article here
Collaborators: Emeritus Professor Robert Nola, FRSNZ, Philosophy | Emeritus Professor Michael Corballis, FRSNZ, Psychology

Corballis, M., Rata, E., and R. Nola (2019). In Defence of Science and Questions for Māori Knowledge. History of Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching. November Read article here 

Rata, E. (2020). The History of an Intellectual Dispute at Auckland’s School of Education. In Bonal, X., Coxon, E., Novelli, M. Amd V.P. Toni. Roger Dale Festschrift. Springer.

Rata, E. (2019). Response:To the article by Georgina Stewart and Nesta Devine: “A critique of Rata on the politics of knowledge and Māori education” Vol 24 (1) 12-24

Lynch, C. & Rata, E. (2018) Culturally responsive pedagogy: A New Zealand case study, International Studies in Sociology of Education, 27:4, 391-408, DOI: 10.1080/09620214.2018.1468274

Rata, E. (2017) Ethnic Revival. In Fathali M. Moghaddam Ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, (pp. 265-268). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

McPhail, G., Rata, E., & Siteine, A. (2018). The Changing Nature of Music Education. In G.McPhail, V. Thorpe & S. Wise, Case studies in educational change. Perspectives from music education in Aotearoa/New Zealand (pp. 74-91). London: Routledge.

Lomax, D. & Rata, E. (2016). Diversity, social cohesion and the curriculum: A study of a Muslim girls’ secondary school in New Zealand, Pacific-Asian Education. 28, 31-50.

Rata, E. M. & Zubaran, C. (2016). Ethnic Classification in the New Zealand Health Care System, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 41: 192–209

Rata, E. and Zubaran, C. (2016) Ethnic classification in the New Zealand health care system Atlas of Science. (republished in NZ Politics Today, 19th August 2016)Rata, E. (2015). Multiculturalism and education. In Mansouri, F. (Ed.), Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations: The Multicultural Challenge. (pp.107-118). Springer.

Rata, E. (2014). The Multicultural-Liberal Contradiction. In Boulou Ebanda de B’béri &

Fethi Mansouri (Eds.), Global Perspectives on the Politics of Multiculturalism in the 21st Century. (pp. 34-49). London & New York: Routledge.

Lourie, M., & Rata, E. (2014). A critique of the role of culture in Maori education. BritishJournal of Sociology of Education, 35(1), 19-26.

Rata, E. (2013). Knowledge and the Politics of Culture: An example from New Zealand’s Higher Education Policy and Practice. Anthropological Theory, 13 (4), 329-346.

Rata, E. & Tamati, T. (2013). The Effect of Indigenous Politics on English Language Provision in New Zealand’s Maori Schools. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 12(5), 262-276.

Rata, E. (2011). Theoretical Claims and Empirical Evidence in Maori Education Discourse. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44(10), 1060-1072.

Rata, E. (2012). A Critical Study of Maori Education, in Openshaw, R. and Clark, J. (Eds.), Critic and Conscience: Essays on Education in Memory of John Codd and Roy Nash, (pp. 175-202). Wellington: NZCER.

Rata, E. (2011). Encircling the Commons: Neotribal Capitalism in New Zealand Since 2000, Anthropological Theory. 11(3), 327- 353.

Rata, E. (2011) Discursive Strategies of the Maori Tribal Elite, Critique of Anthropology, 31(4). 359–380.

Rata, E. (2010). Localising Neoliberalism: Indigenist Brokerage in the New Zealand University, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 8(4), 523-538.

Rata, E. (2010). A Sociology ‘of’ or a Sociology ‘for’ Education? The New Zealand Experience of the Dilemma, Journal of International Studies in Sociology of Education 20(2): 109-128.

Rata, E. (2006). Ethnic Ideologies in New Zealand Education, Delta 58 (1), 29-41.

Rata, E. (2005). Race, Ethnicity and Democracy in New Zealand Education, Public Sector, 28, No. 2, 2 – 6.

Rata, E. (2005). Rethinking Biculturalism. Anthropological Theory, 5(3): 267 – 284.

Rata, E. (2004/2005). ‘Class Discourses in Neotribal Capitalism’ Political Crossroads, 10(2), 19 – 32.

Rata, E. (2004). Neotribal Capitalism and Public Policy, Political Science, 56(1), 55 – 64.

Rata, E. (2005). Marching through the Institutions, The Neotribal Elite and the Treaty of Waitangi, Sites New Series, 1 (2) 56 – 81.

Rata, E. (2004). The Capitulation of the Left, Red and Green, December, 13 – 32.

Rata, E. (2004). Trading on the Treaty, New Zealand Political Review, 53, 28 – 43.

Rata, E. (2003). Leadership Ideology in Neotribal Capitalism, Political Power and Social Theory. 16, 45 – 73.

Rata, E. (2003). An Overview of Neotribal Capitalism, Ethnologies Compareés. Oceanie, debut de siecle. 6.

Rata, E. (2003). Late Capitalism and Ethnic Revivalism, ‘A New Middle Age?’ Anthropological Theory, 3 (1), 46–64.

Rata, E. (2003). The Treaty and Neotribal Capitalism, Public Sector, 26 (3) 2 – 6.

Rata, E. (2002). The Transformation of Indigeneity’, Review, A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilisations, State University of New York. XXV (2), 173–195.

Rata, E. (2001). Conflict and Contradiction in Maori-Pakeha Relations. A Critique of Neotribal ideology in Maori Education’, UTS Review, 7 (1), 135 – 152.

Rata, E. Constructing the Gaps, New Zealand Political Review, November, 24 – 30, 2000.

Rata, E. (1999). A Theory of Neotribal Capitalism, Review, A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilisations, State University of New York. XXII (3), 231–290, 1999.